Babyish Wiki



Refraction of waves of photons (light) by a prism

Photonics is the science including the study of the generation, emission, transmission, en:modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, detection and sensing of light. The term photonics thereby emphasizes that photons are neither particles nor waves — they are different in that they have both particle and wave nature. It basically covers all technical applications of light over the whole spectrum from ultraviolet over the visible to the near-, mid- and far-infrared. Most applications, however, are in the range of the visible and near infrared light. The term photonics developed as an outgrowth of the first practical semiconductor light emitters invented in the early 1960s and optical fibers developed in the 1970s. Fotoniks-wa fotons-rileiten saisn loji in optiks en fisiks, inkluding:

빛을 파동으로 보는 이론에 반대되는 개념으로 입자로 취급하는 접근 방법이다. 광자는 주파수를 지니며 에너지는 주파수 곱하기 플랑크 상수 h로 나타낸다.


光子能量吸收倍頻 該頻率的 以普朗克常數h)代表。


Si osou[]


  • 生物光子学
  • 全息摄影
  • 光學
  • 光電工程
  • 光子晶体
  • 量子光学
  • 太阳能电池


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